
Bgg tidal blades
Bgg tidal blades

In five individuals inoculated with the antirabies gamma globulin, blood samples tested at intervals for residual antibody showed significant titres through 21 days. These volunteers, having no initial antibody, responded with variable titres, the pooled serum having a titre of 1: 100 against 50 LD50 of rabies virus in neutralization tests and the gamma globulin prepared from this pool a titre of 1: 300. Twenty-four days later, i.e., on the 312th day after the first dose, the participants were bled and the serum pooled and converted to gamma globulin. An additional dose of chick-embryo attenuated virus vaccine—Flury HEP (high egg passage)—was given on the 46th day, followed by a final booster dose of duck-egg vaccine on the 288th day. Five doses of an inactivated rabies virus duck-egg vaccine were administered to 34 volunteers at 4-day intervals (i.e., on days 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16). To obviate the foreign protein reactions experienced with the use of hyperimmune serum in rabies-exposed individuals, an attempt was made to produce a rabies antiserum of human origin.

bgg tidal blades

Supernatants of sensitized lymphocytes produces the MDR too. With the MDR it is possible to detect differences with respect to degree of cell-mediated immunity.

bgg tidal blades

5 hours later the PEC were harvested and counted. On the 5th day after receiving oil the animals were injected with 80 microgram BGG or 30 microgram HSA i.p. The optimal test conditions for the antigens BGC and HSA are the following: Peritoneal exudat cells (PEC) were stimulated with paraffin oil. The MDR is a technical simple, good manipulable, and quantifiable test. The macrophage disappearance reaction (MDR) is a suitable test for detection of cell mediated immunity against bovine gamma globulin ( BGG) and human serum albumin (HSA) in guinea pigs. The difference is explained by the higher degree of cross-reactivity between the anti- BGG antibodies and sheep alpha- globulin than between anti- BGG antibodies and rabbit alpha- globulin. When a rabbit anti-IgE antiserum was used instead of the sheep anti-IgE, normal IgE levels and negative RAST results were obtained. Furthermore, falsely positive results can sometimes be caused by such antibodies in the determination of cow-dander- or cow's-milk-specific IgE by the radio-allergosorbent test (RAST). The anti- BGG antibodies were shown to give rise to falsely high IgE values in the radio-immunosorbent test for IgE determination (RIST) when a sheep anti-IgE antiserum was used. Significantly increased concentrations of anti- BGG antibodies were found in patients lacking IgA but not in patients with allergic disorders. Human antibodies to bovine alpha- globulin.įoucard, T Bennich, H Johansson, S G Lundkvist, UĪntibodies to bovine gamma-globulin (anti- BGG antibodies) were detectable by a radio-immunoassay in 70% of healthy blood donors but, generally, the titres were low. The tolerated fraction of BGG was identified by means of starch-gel electrophoresis. The Ouchterlony double-diffusion technique showed that the mice were tolerant to one fraction of BGG but immune to at least one other fraction.

bgg tidal blades

Precipitin and haemagglutination tests showed that antibody to BGG was present in mice shown to be tolerant to BGG by the antigen-elimination technique. This diminution of tolerance could be prevented by injections of antigen into adult mice whilst they were still tolerant. BGG at birth but other similarly treated mice were found to be partially immune when challenged 6 months after the tolerance injection. Mice were found to be tolerant 4 months after injection of 10 mg. The degree of tolerance was found to diminish when the time between the tolerance injection and the challenge injection with adjuvant was increased. Tolerance was demonstrated by a lack of immune elimination of 131I labelled BGG ( BGG-131I) after prior challenge with Freund's adjuvant containing BGG. Acquired Immunological Tolerance to a Fraction of Bovine Gamma GlobulinĪ state of acquired immunological tolerance to bovine gamma globulin ( BGG) has been observed in CBA mice injected with 10 mg.

Bgg tidal blades